Sure, here are 50 sets of facts formatted as requested

Sure, here are 50 sets of facts formatted as requested:

| Topic | Part 1 | Part 2 |
| Deep Fact | Nobody apologizes for how they treated me… | They just blamed me for how I reacted |
| Sad Fact | Sometimes the person you want the most… | Is the person you are best without. |
| Male Fact | If a man who truly loves you takes your virginity, he is… | never leaving, like why will he ever leave |
| Girl Fact | 5 lies that every girl tells… | I’m fine. I’m not jealous. I’m over him. I’m not angry. We can be friends. |
| Girls Fact | If a girl says “WOW” or “OH” during an argument… | don’t continue, she’s deeply hurt. |
| Girls Fact | The best girls are always… | going to be the most difficult. |
| Male Fact | Things boys do when they like you… | text you back. |
| Male Fact | Things boys do when they like you… | make fun of you. |
| Male Fact | Things boys secretly want, but won’t ask for… | a hug. |
| Relationship Fact | The right person will… | make you feel good about yourself. |
| Psychology Fact | Overthinking can lead to… | mental exhaustion. |
| Crush Fact | When you have a crush, everything they do… | is interesting. |
| Relationship Fact | Trust is… | the foundation of every relationship. |
| Deep Fact | People who are broken… | often become the strongest. |
| Sad Fact | The worst feeling is… | wanting someone you can’t have. |
| Girl Fact | When a girl is truly done… | she will not look back. |
| Male Fact | When a guy likes you, he’ll… | make time for you. |
| Girls Fact | Girls fall in love by… | what they hear. |
| Boys Fact | Boys fall in love by… | what they see. |
| Relationship Fact | Arguments can… | make relationships stronger. |
| Psychology Fact | Anxiety is like… | a constant state of worry. |
| Crush Fact | Seeing your crush smile can… | make your whole day better. |
| Deep Fact | The most painful goodbyes… | are the ones never said. |
| Sad Fact | Sometimes the person who makes you happiest… | will also cause you the most pain. |
| Girl Fact | Girls remember the little things… | that you say and do. |
| Male Fact | Boys will always… | protect what they love. |
| Relationship Fact | Healthy relationships require… | communication and trust. |
| Psychology Fact | Happiness often comes from… | appreciating the small things. |
| Crush Fact | It’s hard to be friends with someone… | you’re in love with. |
| Deep Fact | The strongest people… | have been through the hardest battles. |
| Sad Fact | People leave because it’s easier than… | fixing things. |
| Girl Fact | If a girl cares about you, she’ll… | always make an effort. |
| Male Fact | When a guy misses you, he’ll… | find ways to talk to you. |
| Relationship Fact | True love is… | rare and precious. |
| Psychology Fact | Your mind can be… | your best friend or worst enemy. |
| Crush Fact | A crush can make you feel… | like you’re walking on air. |
| Deep Fact | People change… | but memories don’t. |
| Sad Fact | The hardest part of moving on… | is letting go. |
| Girl Fact | Girls notice… | the little details. |
| Male Fact | Boys show love through… | actions, not just words. |
| Relationship Fact | Respect in a relationship… | is as important as love. |
| Psychology Fact | Depression is like… | a heavy blanket you can’t throw off. |
| Crush Fact | When you see your crush, your heart… | beats faster. |
| Deep Fact | True strength is… | smiling through the pain. |
| Sad Fact | Being ignored by someone you care about… | is the worst feeling. |
| Girl Fact | Girls want to feel… | special and appreciated. |
| Male Fact | Boys hate to admit it, but they… | want affection too. |
| Relationship Fact | Jealousy can… | ruin a good thing. |
| Psychology Fact | Your thoughts create… | your reality. |

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